Kanopi’s Return Policy is subject to the KanopibyArmstrong.com Terms of Use, available here.
If you are not satisfied with the products after receiving your order, you may contact our customer service department within 30 days of receiving the products to request a refund. Please complete this form to start the return process.
Only items that have been purchased directly through KanopibyArmstrong.com may be returned under the Return Policy. Armstrong products purchased through other retailers must be returned in accordance with their respective return and refund policies.
PLEASE NOTE: Special order items and samples are not eligible for return or refund. Special order items include TECTUM Create! Ceiling Panels & Walls, TECTUM Design Art Lines - Direct Attach, TECTUM Design Art Lines - Tegular, TECTUM DesignArt Shapes - Direct-Attach Ceilings & Walls, TECTUM DESIGNART Lines - High NRC Ceilings And Walls, TECTUM DESIGNART Lines - High NRC Tegular Ceilings, TECTUM FINALE PB Ceiling Panels & Walls, SOUNDSCAPES Shapes, SOUNDSCAPES Blades, SOUNDSOAK PANELS, EASY ELEGANCE Shallow Coffer, EASY ELEGANCE Deep Coffer, FELTWORKS Acoustical Ceiling Panels, and FELTWORKS Blades - VARAFFIX Reinforced Rectangular.